Author’s Blog: My Writer’s Blog

Welcome to my blog. I hope to offer some bits and snippets of information about my writing, but sometimes my thoughts will be random. So let’s begin.

Why a Scottish investigator when I did not grow up in Scotland? My family roots are in Perthshire and I have visited there many times, including several extended stays. The beauty of the area and the friendliness of the Scots inspired me to set Elspeth’s home on Loch Rannoch, which seemed a natural place for her childhood. The actual location is fictitious and so I hope readers don’t go looking for it.

Elspeth’s assignments for the Kennington hotel chain have taken me around the world. My own love for travel has contributed in great part to this. I normally block out a book and then go to its location on a mission of discovery following the plot of the book. By the way, it’s a great way to visit a place. You will see this in the list of my forthcoming books. All of these exist in at least full-length draft and will eventually be published in sequence. They follow Elspeth’s life as well as her cases. I hope you will enjoy them all as much as I have delighted in writing them.